Greetings from XIM Bhubaneswar!
It is my proud privilege as Associate Dean (CAS) to invite you to our campus for Xuberance 2022, the annual hiring process by industry, every year. Over 360 management graduates are ready for you to choose from and you can have your pick of them as per your requirements. These graduates are now industry ready having honed their skills over the last two years on various subjects that are likely to be required by them to be able to do justice to the roles and assignments, they are likely to be handed. Our faculty have left no stone unturned to ensure each of our students to be equipped with all the knowledge and skills that are likely to be required by them in your respective companies.
Being a Jesuit organization, we have also impressed upon them the values and ideals that are essential for them to be competent professionals and discharge their duties with diligence, sincerity, compassion and integrity. I have no doubt that you would find them ready to take on any challenges and be at the forefront of action, when the need arises and in time, prove to everybody, that they are an asset to the organization they belong to.

Prof. Francis Thomas Castelino
Associate Dean,
Career Advisory Services Committee
We are now eagerly looking forward to welcoming you to our campus at Bhubaneswar. Till then, au revoir.